Miss Kay's Bookstore in partnership with Usborne logo


Kerri Clarke     email: info@miss-kay.co.uk     mobile: 07584 250 841

Miss Kay's Bookstore Community Book Pledge Tutoring
About Me Miss Kay's Bookstore Community Book Pledge Tutoring


I am a Teacher…

I am an Adventurer…

I am a Business Woman…

I am Miss Kay!

My name is Kerri and I am Miss Kay. Some interesting facts about me are that my New Year’s Resolution every year is to try and do 12 new things in the year ahead. I ran the London Marathon in 2017 and enjoy an active lifestyle. And finally, that I have converted my car into a Camping Car for solo adventures around the UK. I like to work hard and play hard and over the last few years, I have been learning the importance of having a good work life balance which leads me on to tell you more about Miss Kay.

Miss Kay was created during my time working with the North Norfolk Railway’s Education Department. It was my character name for the role I played in the Evacuees Workshops that we delivered to visiting Schools. I adored bringing my love for drama and education together and continue to support the department at their fundraising events throughout the year. Miss Kay became such a big part of who I am, so I wanted to keep her with me.

I am a Teacher…

I studied Drama in the Community at Bishop Grosseteste College in Lincoln and graduated in 2006. I worked as a Pupil Specific Support Assistant, in Blakeney, before returning to BGC in 2008 where I successfully completed a PGCE the following year. I came back to Norfolk to fulfil my NQT year and settled into teaching in North Walsham until 2015. Since then I have dipped in and out of educational settings as a Teacher, a Teaching Assistant, and a Drama Practitioner. I have provided 1:1 Tutoring and run a Drama Club. More recently, I have been working as a Supply Teacher in Fakenham.

I am an Adventurer…

I dabbled with a bit of travelling in 2013 and joined a Trek America tour with a group of strangers who soon became friends. Together we embarked on a huge adventure travelling across the Southern States of America. I fell in love with the thrill of exploring new destinations and discovering hidden treasures. Now, at every opportunity I can be found out and about, car camping around the UK or planning my next trip overseas. I have been so lucky to see so many far-flung places and I still have a bucket list of locations as long as my left leg that I want to explore!

I am a Business Woman…

It was whilst I was on one of my many adventures that I decided it would be a great idea to work for myself and perhaps launch my own business venture. On returning to England, I founded Miss Kay Tutoring. I successfully tutored a number of children through various stages of their learning, from improving handwriting and spellings to Y6 SATs preparation. There is no other feeling like the one you get from helping other reach their full potential!

In 2020 the whole world was turned upside down by the implications surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic. Like many other people, I found myself temporarily in a position where I was unable to move forwards with my business as it was. When you can’t do what you would normally do, then it’s time to adapt, change and grow.

That summer I embarked on a slightly different adventure. Upon seeing an advert pop up on social media, I joined thousands of people passionate about improving reading and exposing people to high quality books by becoming an Usborne Partner. Miss Kay’s Bookstore was established in August 2020 and continues to grow and flourish.